
Tarim Oilfield: Multi-point efforts to strengthen intellectual property protection

China Petroleum News (Correspondent Zhang Yaoyao and Liu Yuan) On April 26, Tarim Oilfield held a publicity and implementation meeting for intellectual property protection. Through the publicity and implementation of intellectual property laws, regulations and systems, it enhanced the awareness of intellectual property rights among all employees, and created a culture that respects knowledge, advocates innovation, and promotes innovation. Integrity and law-abiding intellectual property culture atmosphere of fair competition. This is one of the series of intellectual property publicity week activities carried out by Tarim Oilfield. Over the years, Tarim Oilfield has conscientiously implemented the relevant documents of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the requirements of the group company on intellectual property work, and has promoted the continuous improvement of the creation capability and protection level of high-value and high-quality intellectual property rights in the oilfield. Enhance core competitiveness and create a good atmosphere. Under the comprehensive management improvement measures, the proportion of invention patent applications in Tarim Oilfield in recent years has increased from 40.3% in 2019 to 98.3% in 2021, achieving a leap forward. Starting from the top-level design of intellectual property rights, Tarim Oilfield accelerates the cultivation of high-value patents in core key technology fields. At present, two key core technology patent layout protection groups have been established. At the same time, strengthen the pilot work of patent navigation, take the oil and gas field geomechanics science and technology project as a pilot, carry out patent navigation work, explore new patent navigation work mechanism, and gradually promote and apply it to other technical fields of oil field. Tarim Oilfield took the lead in establishing patent classification and classification evaluation standards in the group company, realizing the refined dynamic management of the entire life cycle of patent application, authorization, maintenance, transformation, and award support, and consolidating the basic management work. Tarim Oilfield has comprehensively strengthened its consulting and training efforts to continuously improve the quality and level of patent work. According to the different needs of each unit, the oilfield carries out targeted consultation and customized course training, and strengthens professional knowledge training such as high-value patent mining and cultivation, technical disclosure book writing, and core technology patent group construction to ensure high-quality creation and high-quality patented technology. Declaration, high quality protection and high quality utilization. At the same time, open up the talent fast lane, focus on cultivating intellectual property professionals, and form an intellectual property talent team with sufficient quantity, reasonable structure and high quality to provide support for the high-quality development of oilfield intellectual property. In recent years, the intellectual property work of Tarim Oilfield has entered a new stage of high-quality development, and the proportion of invention patent applications has continued to increase. In the selection of the third patent award of the group company, Tarim Oilfield won 1 gold award, 1 silver award and 4 outstanding awards. At present, Tarim Oilfield has 1,477 valid authorized patents. Among them, there were 256 invention patents, the proportion of invention patents continued to increase, and the patent structure continued to be optimized. At the same time, in the fields of basic research, applied research and new technology promotion and application, the Group will benchmark the Group's scientific and technological achievements transformation and efficiency policy, and promote the formation of three transformation and efficiency methods and working mechanisms: independent implementation in oilfields, external licensing, and internal application of PetroChina. , to boost the high-quality development of oilfields with technological innovation.